sábado, 26 de enero de 2019

Nutrition and its physiological processes

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Nutrition is the science that studies the physiological and metabolic processes that occur in the body with food intake. Many common diseases and their symptoms can often be prevented or alleviated with a certain diet; Therefore, the science of nutrition tries to understand what are the specific dietary aspects that influence health.

The purpose of nutrition science, is to explain the metabolic and physiological response of the body to diet, with advances in molecular biology, biochemistry and genetics, the science of nutrition is deepening in the study of metabolism, investigating the relationship between diet and health from the point of view of biochemical processes.

Professional profile: The Nutritionist Dietitian of the University Institution National School of Sports is an integral professional, committed to sports and public health in the country and the region, capable of evaluating and diagnosing the nutritional status of individuals and groups based on anthropometric, clinical indicators , biochemical and food consumption; design nutritional programs oriented to their welfare and manage both production and food services.

Occupational profile:: The nutritionist will be trained so that, making use of his professional training in the health area, he acts in the following fields:
- Manager of programs of maintenance, recovery and development of the physical and nutritional conditions of performance athletes of the different modalities and categories, and be part of the interdisciplinary team that participates in regional, national and international sporting events.
- Precursor of actions oriented to the promotion, prevention in health and individual and group nutrition and Promoter of the development of systems of food and nutritional surveillance and food security for specific groups and population in general.

- Leader of actions aimed at diagnosis and treatment of health problems in different areas of care.
- Administrator of food services for hospitals, casinos, cafeterias, restaurants, etc. according to the nutritional and nutritional needs of the users.

- Active participant of research projects in the field of Nutrition and Dietetics according to the needs of the environment.

Maestría MBA Programa Mini-MBA ¿Curso corto o nuevo formato de programa de MBA? A primera vista, el mini-MBA es una versión abreviada del programa tradicional Master of Business Administration. Pero hay otra opinión: es un formato independiente que combina las ventajas de la educación y capacitación empresarial clásica. Si es así, ¿cuál es su originalidad? No hay estándares mini-MBA El primer programa mini-MBA se anunció a comienzos de 2004, luego de lo cual se inició un acalorado debate sobre la educación empresarial acelerada utilizando una marca sólida.

A pesar de las evaluaciones escépticas, pronto apareció el "curso corto del MBA" en diferentes formas en varias escuelas. El Center for Corporate Strategies promueve el programa "The Strategic and Tactical Leadership": tres sesiones en cinco meses. En la Escuela de Administración de Rusia hay un "Maestro de negocios": seis sesiones se imparten durante seis meses.

La Academia Internacional de Negocios ha desarrollado programas modulares, cada uno de los cuales incluye 4 cursos de 2 meses cada uno. En la Universidad Abierta de Negocios y Tecnología, se brinda educación a distancia (de 8 a 24 meses). La Escuela de Negocios Internacionales de la Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Moscú nombró su curso de práctica de MBA: se trata de 7 sesiones mensuales durante 4 días y pasantías en el extranjero.

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